What the Fucculent?

For years we have been doing our part and recycling our plastic, aluminum and glass. After multiple trips to the recycling center and talking with the individuals running the centers, we realized they were just taking our wine bottles and throwing them away as scrap. Are you serious?!?!

Then came 2020 and the pandemic which impacted us all, forcing us to stay home and many establishments to close...including recycling centers. One afternoon after working in the yard and tending to our succulents, we sat down to relax with a glass of wine...and THE "WHAT THE FUCCULENT" idea hit us! The mission behind ReCrafted Designs was born.

We had a lot of trials and tribulations learning how to efficiently remove bottle labels, cut wine bottles, and pack up beautiful succulents to share with everyone. There were lots of YouTube video watching nights and messy kitchen sinks! Today, we collect empty glass bottles from our neighbors, community, and local restaurant upcycling hundreds of bottles a month.

Our goal in 2021 is to reroute 5000 glass bottles from landfill to ReCrafted Designs' workshop and upcycle them into beautiful home decor for you. We hope you can join us in our journey and mission.